Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dr. Kim and Stress and its affects on our animals

I just listened to Dr. Kim and Dr. Jeannie on their Blog Talk Radio show. It was interesting to see a few comments that people didn't think dogs could be stressed. Our animal companions do experience stress, and like humans, there are things we can do to reduce, avoid and eliminate many stressors.

Dr. Kim talked about nutrition as being a huge factor in the health of our animals. Stress can effect the immune system and cause a propensity for dis-ease; and being ill can cause more stress.

So many people feed their animals packaged foods purchased at the local store without consideration of the ingredients.

When I was growing up, our animals (dogs, cats, chickens, horses and cattle) were all fed food that was either raised or grown on our land. It wasn't until years later, living on my own in the city when I adopted my first cat, that I was faced with the decision on what to feed him. Most of my friends fed their household animal companions whatever was the cheapest or most advertised brand available at the grocery. Eventually, those
purchases were also made at pet stores as they arrived on the scene.

For the past several years we have become educated on the importance of reading the labels of the foods we eat, and it is equally as important to read the labels on the foods we feed our animal companions.

Being conscious about the foods we all eat - human and animal - can help us to see how food effects our health and stress. Going back to "the good ol' days" in this instance is a good thing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stress and its Affects on our Animal - BlogTalk Radio with Dr. Kim Bloomer

On Blog Talk Radio, Wednesday, June 8th, 11:30 PST, Dr. Kim and Dr. Jeannie are once again sharing natural animal health news and digging deeper into the philosophy of animal naturopathy.

This time they are going to take a deeper look at how stress may be affecting the overall health of your animals.

Listen online: Blog Talk Radio
Call in with questions: 
(646) 595-4693