Friday, July 26, 2013

Cat’s ... Just What Good are They?

"The smallest feline is a masterpiece."
~ Leonardo da Vinci

There are so many good reasons to share your home with a cat.

Cats can help to lower your stress. Playing with a cat can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.  It only takes 15 to 30 minutes with a cat to feel less anxious and less stressed. 

Cats can help you heal faster. People with cat companions tend to be healthier, and go to the doctor less often than non-cat people. Some rehab facilities and hospitals employ "therapy cats", to assist sick people feel more connected and even heal faster.
Cats are good for the heart. Having a cat companion can reduce your risk of heart attack by thirty percent. A recent study by researchers at the University of Minnesota1 found that feline-less people were at higher risk for cardiovascular disease than those with cat companions.  Over the twenty years of one study, people who never shared their home with a cat were 40% more likely to die of a heart attack than those who had.

Cats are good to ward off strokes. People who live with cats have fewer strokes than people who don't. Researchers speculate that cats may have a more calming effect on their people than other animals do. Sitting and stroking a cat then becomes the focus of the person's interest.  We can only hold one thought at time in our mind, so instead of worrying about something stressful - think how soft the cat’s fur is, the soothing sound of their purr and the warmth they offer in your lap.

Cats are good for stretching.  An article in Arthritis Today2 advises people to take a cue from their cat companion. Watch how many times she stretches every day. Each time your cat stretches, attempt to mimic the same long body stretches. Stretch from side to side and stretch each limb.  Although some cat positions may be difficult for a person to duplicate, it can be beneficial to follow the basic ones. Breathe deeply when stretching to also relax your mind and reduce the stress on your body.

Cats are good company.  A UK study3 revealed that cats helped their persons overcome feelings of loneliness. A majority sometimes preferred to share their feelings with their cat rather than a partner or friend. Cats can keep a secret.  They don’t judge us; they just love us.  When I went through several rough bumps in my life, Lancelot heard it all and he kept my secrets. This study also showed that children regarded their cat as a close friend.

Cats are good for a good night’s sleep. Cats are excellent snugglers. In this same UK study more than half of the participants revealed that they enjoyed a better night's sleep with their cat on the bed than they did with their partner in the bed.  These same people also admitted that they would tolerate their cat taking most of the bed covers at night but not their partner doing that. Many people who share their beds with a cat will admit to the contortions they take to get out of bed without disturbing the cat. Only to find that once they are out of bed, their adorable friend is out of bed as well and usually right at their feet.

While we may ponder the many good reasons for cats they may be thinking, “Meow. What good are these humans? They are so distracted all the time; they miss the beauty in the wee things floating all around them. They forget that their music comes from within.  They overlook so many opportunities to see things from various perspectives.  They miss the warmth of a sunbeam streaming through a window, and the chirping of fascinating activity all around them. They can be so frustrating, so self-involved....... wait, do I hear a can opener?”

"Ever consider what they must think of us? 
I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul of chicken, pork, half a cow.
They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!" 
~ Anne Tyler

Excerpt from Stress Out for Cats Dogs and their People
ISBN: 978-0981523897

Published by Self Investment Publishing ©2012
All rights reserved including right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. 

$5 from every book donated to the charity of your choice.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

For some reason we have to remind people every year - HOT CARS KILL

It still amazes me how folks will make sure their air conditioner is full blast when they are in the car, and then think nothing of the rising heat inside that same car on their dog companion when they leave the animal in the locked car for any period of time. Including that "quick" run into the store for one thing. The news channels continue to report the hazards, and then unfortunately also the tragedies of the dogs now ill or dead, that people left in cars while ignoring all the warnings.

Many articles have been written about the dangers, however, one blogger conducted experiment in 2011 on the temperature in a car and reported how hot it actually gets for your dog when:

"You just run into the store to buy one thing"
"You park in the shade"
"You leave the windows cracked open"

Take a moment to read, and be potentially surprised at seeing how fast the temperature rises:
How Hot Is Too Hot for a Dog in the Car?

This year a veterinarian sat in his car for 30 minutes with a thermometer and a video camera.  The doctor explained that even with the windows cracked, the air in the car was still. Just a few minutes in, and already drenched with sweat – a cooling function that dogs don’t have – the doctor was already starting to reflect on the suffering that dogs must experience in the same situation. Read the story and watch hi video here: IT'S TOO HOT IN YOUR CAR

My dog companion gets excited every time I pick up my car keys. He enjoys getting into the car. Regardless of how much I also enjoy him on the drive, he has to stay home on hot days when I can't take him our of the car and into the places I am going into. I would rather have him alive and disappointed, then dead fro the heat and me heartbroken and riddled with guilt.

If you think it is a hot day for you, it is even hotter for dogs and cats.

Before buying a pet, consider saving a life instead - adopt from a shelter. They are not "used" or "less than perfect" animals; they are perfect little furry angels with open hearts looking to share love.

Featured Adoptable Pet:


Yuba County Animal Care Services
Olivehurst, CA
compliments of

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Service Dogs?

Went to the post office today and had my dog, Tigger with me. 

A postal employee behind the counter said "We only allow service dogs in here" When I asked if she wanted me to leave, her response "No, but could you pick him up? I don't like to see little dogs carried, however, under the circumstances, and her polite request I don't mind holding him while inside. 

The man in front of me then said "you should go online and get one of those service dog vests. I responded that my dog is not a "service dog." He went on to say that if my dog gave me emotional support then I could claim he was a service dog. Just the sentence "claim he was.. sounded deceitful. My response was that there is no love like that of a dog or cat, and being with one has many health benefits, including lower blood pressure, helping with depression, etc. , however, that still doesn't make Tigger a dog that should be classified as a "service dog" just so that he could be taken everywhere I go. 

This day, I was running errands and giving him new grass and plants to mark outdoors. It was my attempting to multi-task. Tigger didn't have a personal "need" to be there.

When I made it to the counter the employee was very nice, and pointed out where one of their displays was discolored because a dog had peed on it the day before. It startled an elderly patron who was standing in front of the display looking at the items, who then jumped, accidentally knocking over the display, which nearly hit the dog and caused her to fall into other people in line, which saved her from landing on the ground, which for someone of her advanced age could have been injurious. 

I have friends who have specialty trained service dogs who become invisible when they are in a retail establishment. They could never pee on a display, attempt to trip a waiter (saw this last week) or bother another shopper or diner. I love my animals, and to me, they are family. Love me, love my four pawed kids. However, there are times and places they don't need to be - for their well being and safety as well. 

It bothers me that people buy fake vests for dogs that are not trained to handle all the circumstances they may encounter in a store or restaurant. Last month, a friends daughter, a waitress at a local chain restaurant, was bit by a Chihuahua "service dog," when she attempted to clear the table. Without warning, the "service dog" leapt from the the person's lap across the table and came at her. Plates went flying, other diners were hit, food all over the floor resulting in 8 stitches and loss of time from work for her, and minor injuries for the other diners. The "service dogs" over is liable for the medicals costs for those injured, and the restaurant now has a big sign - "no dogs, including service dogs." ( I have a feeling ADA will be in touch with them for persons with disabilities with well-trained service dogs.) One small dog = a big problem. I know I'll hear from folks who disagree with me, and that's ok. 

My friends know I seldom go on rants like this. I'm looking at recent incidents where people and dogs were both in harms way because of the choice of a human. I cannot control other people or the environment when I am out in public. Keeping my dog safe requires me to be extra alert. Many times, I know my little guy is safer and he naps better at home.

I'm not saying that dogs should always be left at home. I am suggesting that honesty is in order, and respect for genuine service dogs.