It still amazes me how folks will make sure their air conditioner is full blast when they are in the car, and then think nothing of the rising heat inside that same car on their Dog when they leave it in the locked car for any period of time. Including that "quick" run into the store for one thing. The news channels continue to report the hazards, and then unfortunately also the tragedies of the dogs now ill or dead, that people left in cars ignoring all the warnings.
Many articles have been written about the dangers, however, the following blogger conducted experiment on the temperature in a car and reports how hot it actually gets for your dog when:
"You just run into the store to buy one thing"
"You park in the shade"
"You leave the windows cracked open"
Take a moment to read, and be potentially surprised at seeing how fast the temperature rises:
How Hot Is Too Hot for a Dog in the Car?
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