Wire all around me, the doors have locks
My hair is matted, my feet are flat.
I’ve never known love, not even a pat.
My eyes are dim, my belly is round,
My callous pads have never touched ground.
I sleep in my urine and feces at night,
Squinting my eyes in morning’s bright light
Food and water they give me are old and stale.
This prison I live in is worse than a jail.
My life is a breeder in some puppy mill
The back woods of nowhere up on a hill.
I don’t see a vet and haven’t had shots.
My captors are cruel keeping me in a box.
My litters of puppies born all in a row.
What happens to them, I’ll never know.
They are taken from me at one month old,
Off to some pet store they are sold,
Just to provide for some persons greed,
Without one thought to what comes of me.
by Ellen Bishop
Excerpt from Stress Out for Cats, Dogs and their People (c)2012, page 31
All rights reserved
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Yuba County Animal Care Services
Olivehurst, CA
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Featured Adoptable Pet:
Yuba County Animal Care Services
Olivehurst, CA
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